Monday 5 November 2012

Gate Pa

In 1864 Gate Pa suffered the heaviest artillery bonbardament used by British forces any where in the world at that time. Legendary battle at Gate Pa where 300 maori men and woman took on the might of the British forces.

1 comment:

  1. Te tau raa ki Te ma rihariha kei Te pa o puke orohotu Te takere haea ki Te wai I Tauranga Te matawhaura I Te kino ki Te rae o taku koeke kuia Te tau nei ka rewa ki muri I ahau e. Gate pa was a vicious attack on my people . it was violence continued to the kohuru or massacre at Te Ranga 2 months later . over 20000 acres was then confiscated under the " NZ settlements act" I was raised with the descendants as we all have been of this crime . me whakaako e au Te REO neiki hei maungarongo I Te mate . I teach the language I was raised with to heal this pain and damage for me and others. Rawiri puhirake who was there said kia uu Te manawarere be strong in times of deep uncertainness kia ora koutou katoa James Barnes


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