Monday 5 November 2012


This Picture was taken at my Koro Waho's Tangi. Tangi means to weep, also means sorrow, Tangi is a Maori funeral. To Maori, Tangi is everything to do with the living.

Gate Pa

In 1864 Gate Pa suffered the heaviest artillery bonbardament used by British forces any where in the world at that time. Legendary battle at Gate Pa where 300 maori men and woman took on the might of the British forces.

Parihaka 1881

On November the 5th 1881 the children of Parihaka held hands and sang songs, while the police rode there horses with guns upon there village in Taranaki. Parihaka was a symbol of protest against the confiscation of Maori land. Te Whiti O Rongomai and Tohu Kakahi were the primary Rangatira. Today we remember them.